So what made these shows tap their hands 3 times?
First, i think its about market or commercial benefit for the TV station. MMA is only popular in very small segmented viewer (generally men). Compare with the WWE that popular for men and children, Soccer (EPL, Lega Calcio) popular among men, teenager, kids and also women, TV Series (in my country called "sinetron") popular among women in all side of my country!!
Second, about culture... MMA isnt an original culture from my country. Even we have some martial arts development but grapple for fighting isnt popular. This thing followed by only small ammout of martial artist teach MMA.
Third , the media or press didnt socialize MMA well. They prefer to report soccer news than MMA. Sport Newspaper put handsome soccer player on their cover than MMA guy.

(one of tv series artist in Indonesia, prefer to watch her than the big men?)
So i dont know when MMA shows will return to Indonesia...
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